A series in collaboration with Mieno Ryu, a high profile graphic designer based in Kyoto. Based on the themes of "Mimi-nashi Hōichi" and "five senses", this cup is designed with...
A series in collaboration with Mieno Ryu, a high profile graphic designer based in Kyoto. Based on the themes of "Mimi-nashi Hōichi" and "five senses", this cup is designed with...
A series in collaboration with Mieno Ryu, a high profile graphic designer based in Kyoto. Based on the themes of "Mimi-nashi Hōichi" and "five senses", this cup is designed with...
A series in collaboration with Mieno Ryu, a high profile graphic designer based in Kyoto. Based on the themes of "Mimi-nashi Hōichi" and "five senses", this cup is designed with...
A series in collaboration with Mieno Ryu, a high profile graphic designer based in Kyoto. Based on the themes of "Mimi-nashi Hōichi" and "five senses", this cup is designed with...